Líneas de azúcar (Sugar lines) | Plaza de la Constitución, Mexico City| July 4th , 2008.

The central space of the Zocalo in Mexico City is the place where a graphic and material representation of communication will take place, through an action carried out simultaneously by different people. Six volunteers from the Seminar will handle six portable containers designed to contain and dispose a thin thread of dyed sugar that will be used to draw on the ground straight or irregular lines towards the pedestrians who are in the area and have been invited to join the dynamic.

This way, intersubjective lines that are usually drawn between us will be visible, offering this way the possibility of connection between subjects who are apparently distanced from one another. The containers will have the suggested shape of a tongue coming out from a see- through mouth, image that intends to make reference to language and its communicative power, and at the same time they will work as seductive tools that will invite the pedestrians to participate. The intervention will last for about 4 hours.

This is the text that I wrote to present the project to Claudia Reyes, subdirector of the Centro Cultural de España at the time. My worries while writing the idea of this intervention shaped a huge fan of questions that I didn’t know how to answer: How would I calculate the amount of sugar that I needed? What about the design and manufacturing of the tongue- shaped containers? What materials could I use? Besides, the permissions required to intervene the most surveilled quadrant of the city seemed really difficult to obtain, not forgetting the biggest question of all: Would the piece work? And what if no one wants to participate? After solving one by one each step of the project, with its difficulties (including a change of date, ordered by the Secretaría de Cultura del DF), finally the last question was cleared the day the intervention took place. With the support of the people of the Seminars MM2 and MM3 we started moving the tongues, set in the four cardinal points of the square. What happened exceeded my expectations by far: participants of all ages talking and passing from hand to hand the tongues, or some paper cones filled with sugar, using the entire square, that from above, looked like a giant concrete board full of colored lines. The almost unreal view of that collective drawing lasted for many hours until, once we ran out of sugar, an army of sweepers showed up ready to erase all the lines.